To promote Fox’s new animated show Bless the Harts, we took over two food trucks in LA & NYC that embarked on a city-wide tour stopping along the way to serve up some Southern-inspired bites (think Fried Chicken Biscuits, Cheesy Grits & Peach Cobbler! yummmmm). I translated existing show key art into a seamless truck wrap, created graphics for menus, tee-shirts, collateral items and social posts, and worked with vendors to ensure all came to life accordingly.
Client: FOX | Agency: CSM Sport & Entertainment | Role: Art Direction, Graphic Design, Production Design
Above shows two initial visual directions applied onto the truck templates for both LA and NYC.
Placement of text and characters was key; we needed to ensure the brand and messaging was maintained both when the truck was en route and once it parked and opened up to serve.